Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bill HR 1444 Congressional Commission of Civic Service Act. (click here to see the bill)

There was quite a bit of uproar about the President's speech to our children this past week. Most of the uproar had to do with the NEA's recommendation for after speech activities. When it was found out what was planned, they changed the wording of some of the recommendations so as not to sound as if they were trying to indoctrinate our kids with Liberal propaganda. Obama ended up delivering a conservative speech about working hard and staying in school.

Now we have a bill in congress called HR1444 Congressional Commission of Civic Service Act. It will be a study of how the government can encourage young people to volunteer. Sounds innocent enough or does it?

Click on the title bar and read Section 4, Duties, Specific Topics item #6. In this line of text they will study how mandatory service could be implemented. I said MANDATORY SERVICE. In the constitution under amendment XIII it is unconstitutional to require this. This amendment abolished slavery.

My Son experienced indoctrination in his school. Last year my Son's asst. teacher held a discussion about the differences between Obama and McCain. One of the differences outlined was that Obama would give people choices as to whether they would have children and McCain would not give them a choice. The statement was false by the teacher and she was clearly partisan. My Son told me this out of casual conversation about his day at school. When I heard what was being said in the classroom I immediately called the school and spoke to the principle about what he had heard. In the end the teacher was reprimanded. That same year the "Christmas" program was about going green. Some of the words of the songs talked about how humans are destroying the earth. Needless to say I did not allow my son to participate in the program and was required to write a letter to the school to explain my position. I am pretty sure they got the point.

Politics should never be a part of the school curriculum. The green movement is political and kids should never be taught that the earth is being destroyed by the very people who inhabit it because there is no proof to that effect. There has been no consensus, only opinions one way or the other. Of course students should be taught about the hierarchy of government and how it works but children should not be indoctrinated to any one particular agenda of either parties affiliations through the school districts or the government.

Whether you believe it or not indoctrination is going on in schools and this new bill in the house is another bold attempt at indoctrinating young people through captive mandatory service. What will the be taught during their stint in National Service? Who will they be serving? What will be the required curriculum?

As parents we must be diligent in knowing what are kids are being exposed to in school. As citizens we must be diligent in knowing what our government is planning concerning our kids. Ask your kids about how their day went. Listen to them. Know what their teachers are teaching. Speak out when you think that something is amiss and stand your ground. Hold your government accountable when they step over constitutional boundaries. It is a daunting task. Sometimes even overwhelming. It is our duty as citizens to uphold the constitution when our government ignores it. That is how I will teach my children to individually serve this great nation and it didn't require a government agency, tax dollars, or Acorn to get it done.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Government-Run Health Care? First, Do No Harm

First, do no harm. That is the oath taken by doctor's before they practice medicine. It should be required of all government officials and representatives in congress to take the same oath. Nationalized health care has been the topic of debate for quite some time although no consensus has been formed. I watched the ABC special "Prescription for Health Care" and was not surprised that the details of the plan were not discussed. Here are the problems in our current health care system as outlined by the President:

Uninsured Americans do not utilize primary care or prevention options opting to use the emergency room for minor ailments.
Unnecessary tests, drugs and procedures are being administered and paid for through medicare and Medicaid and is bankrupting the system.
Doctors and hospitals are being reimbursed for each procedure performed without any consideration for quality of outcome.

Now let's break these problems down starting with:
Uninsured Americans. I agree that the emergency room is not the most cost effective place to treat minor ailments or injury, but in America we are bound by law to treat patients who do not have the ability to pay. Unfortunately that means going to the ER. I agree that this policy needs to change. Obama's plan for this is mandating individuals and businesses to purchase insurance whether it be private or government run or face tax penalties. Forcing businesses to provide health care coverage will cause even higher unemployment in an already weak economy. Individuals will be required to pay for insurance that they currently chose not to purchase. So instead of getting free health care from the ER, individuals will be forced to purchase insurance whether they want to or not. This is supposed to encourage preventive care which in turn will cut down of costs but the Congressional Budget Office is not convinced.

Unnecessary Tests, Drugs and Procedures
"It won't be easy making those decisions."
"I don't think
we can make judgments based on people's spirit."
"End of life care is one the most difficult sets of decisions
we are going to have to make."
" I don't want bureaucracy making those decision
but understand they are already being made in one way or another through medicaid, medicare or private insurers."

Those quotes of President Obama expressing his beliefs that the elderly do not deserve to have their life span increased days or even months because they will die anyway or because they are very old is very disturbing. He even went on to say that this is what's bankrupting medicare and if the evidence shows that prolonged treatment, additional surgery or loading up on tests does not prove to help the patient i.e. cure them, then maybe they should just accept the fact that they should just take the pain killer rather than have the surgery. As someone in my mid 40's and a mother in her 70's this kind of attitude toward end of life medical decisions is unacceptable. Saying that the government will provide quality health care at a much lower cost by eliminating certain procedures is an oxymoron. To say they will sacrifice care that could prolong life by days or even weeks to control costs is barbaric. It would be the same as saying if you can't pay for it to bad, die already.

Change How Doctors and Hospitals are Reimbursed
The Obama plan would change how doctors and hospitals are paid. Currently they are paid per procedure without regard to the quality of outcome. Obama believes that doctors and hospitals do not have the incentive to reduce the amount of procedures that is offered a patient so therefore they do not make the best cost effective decisions when it comes to different forms of treatment. If the government changes the way they are reimbursed through quality of outcome how will that be measured? One example was if a patient is re-admitted a number of times for the same ailment then the hospital will not receive payment because the quality of outcome was bad. What about patient responsibility? He went on to say that the current incentive of reimbursement prevent good decisions of not performing some tests or procedures and are outdated and make it more expensive to provide adequate health care. Now the goal is adequate health care. How can a government agency not be able to make decisions based on one's spirit of life but can measure quality of outcome? Will private insurers have the same option of not paying if the outcome is proved to be unsuccessful? You might think that this sounds good but what will happen if this is put into place? Quality of care will diminish because there will be fewer numbers of doctors and hospitals providing care.

What are the Costs?
The congressional budget office estimates up to 2 trillion dollars over 10 years to insure 46 millions uninsured individuals and that number includes illegal aliens and people who could qualify for medicaid but chose not to. They will place additional regulations on private carriers to restrict them from declining coverage for preexisting conditions which will raise the cost of private insurance paid by individuals and businesses. At the same time the government sponsored health care plan will be cheaper because it will be subsidized by surcharges on the rich. Mandates placed on private insurers to provide the same coverage at the same cost to everyone regardless of preexisting health conditions will drive up costs making it even more difficult to compete against the government plan. When Obama said you could keep your current coverage what he does not tell you is that the government plan through regulation will eventually put them out of business. There goes your choice of keeping you current coverage. Obama said "....they won't make as much profit on each insurer but still will be profitable." Oh really? Since when is it the governments role to regulate profits? The goal is to drive all private carriers out of business so everyone has to go on the government plan. When that is accomplished government will control treatment options and charge whatever they want i.e. raise your taxes even more. Malpractice insurance premiums are a direct affront to health care costs in this nation and yet that fact is ignored by this plan. If controlling costs is the key to health care reform then tort reform must be passed.

Universal health care will not be free. Quite the contrary. Mandates on business and individuals takes away the right to chose. Obama said "Those who oppose this must ask themselves what they are defending?" How about freedom to chose whether or not I receive medical care that could prolong my life regardless of age, costs or outcome, freedom to chose your insurer or chose not to be covered and the belief that the free market guarantees competition as oppose to government regulating private insurers out of business. There are alternatives to this plan. Please go to the website at to get the facts for yourself. This is too important to ignore because your life will depend on it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Cost of Apathy

On this 4th of July we are reminded of our freedoms that were brought about by our founding fathers and countless of lives sacrificed for it. But as a nation, we have become apathetic. We have become so involved in the struggles of daily life that we have lost site of what is happening in our government and to our nation. We elected a man that could speak well under the instruction of a TelePrompter and good speech writers. The great orator. A man with no experience in running a state or a business. He spoke words that sounded good but never really meant anything. The great deceiver. We were tired of the war so he said he would end it. We wanted change for the sake of change not realizing that his change meant destroying our economy, freedoms and liberties. Let's be clear, Obama wants to destroy America and remake it in his own image. He wants to tax us into poverty and if we do not wake up he will be successful.

Our only hope is that the people will realize that freedom is not free and we can no longer remain ignorant of the policies of the people we elect to serve us. Keep America the beacon of hope and freedom around the world. Be informed, do your research and become a patriot. May God bless our nation and it's people and protect us from those who wish to do us harm.....and that includes the current administration and any member of congress that supports the eroding of our freedoms.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Fast Eroding of Our Freedoms

As the Obama Administration is making policy, our freedoms are being systematically eroded except, of course, a woman's right to murder her unborn child. One by one they are attempting to control every aspect of our lives. What we eat, our health care choices, what kind of car we want to drive and the list goes on. For extreme liberals it is all about control and I am sick of it. Liberal policies have destroyed the economy in California and the rest of America is next.

They contend that global climate change is man made so they will attempt to pass laws that will tax the coal and natural gas industry, the same industry that affords Americans products and services that improve the quality of our lives, out of existence in favor of so call "green" technology. The problem is green technology won't get the job done. Quite frankly, it won't even come close to sustaining our standard of living. Be vary wary of the "smart grid" technology. Smart meters are supposed to help you save money on your electric bills but what really is going on here is that if and when they go all green, there will not be enough electricity to go around. The government will use the smart meters to shut you down when they think you have used your allotment for the day. Remember California's rolling black outs a few years ago. Get ready for that everywhere. California would not allow the building of more power plants and are paying a huge price. Let's face it, energy use is going up. All energy resources must be utilized.

This is a huge power grab by the Federal Government. Just think, health insurance for everyone. Health care should be private, period! I don't believe the government should have any right to dictate what treatment people will get, when they will get it or whether they get it at all. If the government provides health coverage there will be premiums that must be paid by these uninsured people and it won't be any cheaper than the options out there now. So those choosing not to purchase will be forced to. Then when the government realizes that the premiums being paid is not enough to sustain the system, private insurance will be terminated. Then the next phase of government control will be ushered in.....

Yes, the government will try to control what you eat. Get ready for the next huge tax increase of food.... the junk food tax. Taxing fast food, snack food or any food the government deems unhealthy. They already tax alcohol and tobacco and unhealthy food is next. This tax will hit poor Americans the hardest. Now I know what you are that really a bad thing? It's about Personal freedom. The freedom to make our own choices. If you get government health care, you will have no free will on what you consume.

When Americans depend on government for more than what the constitution has set forth, we have allowed them total access to control our freedoms. God gave us free will and the government will take it away because we have allowed it. Ronald Reagan said it best "Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Abortion Issue

I was reading last night how out of the 14th amendment to the constitution came the decision of Roe. vs. Wade and I was astounded that being legally able to kill a baby inside your body would come from "Due Process" and under that the "Right to Privacy." Click on the title bar to link to the website. What a stretch that was. What about drug use? Wouldn't that fall under this category as well? And yet there are laws prohibiting the use of drugs. My personal belief is that human life is to be respected no matter how underdeveloped and that a woman's right to chose starts when she chooses to have sex knowing full well that it would result in an unwanted pregnancy. The only exception that should be allowed would be in the case of rape or incest for obvious reasons. (I personally don't think I could do it even under those circumstances.)

If a woman were to have sex knowing it could result in an unwanted pregnancy, maybe sex is not what she should be doing. Is sex so much more important than a human life? What about birth control. I was married for 13 years before I decided to have a child. I chose reliable birth control and it worked well for me. Nowadays there are so many more choices out there so I must ask "why is abortion still needed?" Believe me, it is not the solution to the problem, it only creates more problems for women who chose to do it. I personally know someone who had an abortion and it has literally ruined her happiness and self esteem and she will have to live with the guilt of that decision for the rest of her life. I remember the night she called me so emotionally distressed and on the verge of suicide over what she had done and I told her that God would forgive her so she should forgive herself but she still can't get over it and probably never will. (Those are the stories planned parenthood does not tell you.)

The government currently uses our tax dollars to fund abortions for poor woman and now under President Obama sends money overseas to clinics who promote and perform the procedure. (So much for "It is above my pay grade to know when life begins".) Maybe planned parenthood should pick up the tab for poor woman. And if it is a "privacy" issue, how is it that public dollars are being spent each year to fund and promote such an evil procedure? The government should not be in the business of paying for or promoting abortion in this or any other country. It is a huge blight on our Constitution and the morality of our Nation. May God forgive us for legally allowing the killing of innocent human life and for the money our government pays each year to institutions who profit from it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Environmental Movement Declared A Religion.

Definition of Religion 1: the service and worship of God or the supernatural 2;devotion to a religious faith 3;organized system of faith and worship or personal set of religious beliefs or practices 4; a cause, principle or belief held to with faith and ardor

Climate Chains from Climate Chains on Vimeo.

I am declaring the environmental movement a Religion. Mother Earth is it's God, carbon credits is it's tithe and they, through faith, hold a belief that man is responsible for climate change i.e. global warming which is destroying their God, Mother Earth.

It has never been proven that man or the activities of man is responsible for climate change or that climate change is harmful to the earth yet the environmentalists and the government is indoctrinating the entire nation to the belief that humans are to blame for global warming. The government through cap and trade legislation, will force every American to worship Mother Earth so as to change our behaviors through punitive legislation on the coal and natural gas industries. This will significantly raise every Americans utility bills which will force many of us to use less thereby saving Mother Earth. They are even considering raising the federal tax on gasoline to not only increase revenues but force us to drive less or drive more efficient "green" vehicles. (How convenient for the government to own GM). Click on the You Tube link to hear it straight from Timothy Geithner's mouth.

I bet those of you who voted for Obama didn't expect this. Don't count on the 95% of Americans getting a tax cut or reimbursement from the government if this goes into effect. They won't be able to afford it. Congress is already discussing rolling back the small amount of individual stimulus i.e. tax withholding to offset the huge deficits Obama-nomics is creating. The only way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is to drill baby, drill!

The Environmentalist movement is clearly a religion based on the definition of the word outlined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. They serve the God, Mother Earth, they are devoted to their cause, they are organized and their beliefs are based on faith, not fact and they believe so reverently that they spread their "gospel" ardently.
If any "green" legislation is passed in the form of cap and trade, the government is clearly in violation of the First Amendment, Freedom of Religion. Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.....

Check out this website to get it straight from their mouths.
Click here for website